
Thursday, August 29, 2013

An Investment in Your Photography Career

Most people have invested in one way or another to become better at what they do, whether it's college, online courses, in person classes, etc.  I too have invested in my photography career by taking online courses from The Milky Way.  I have taken the Studio Lighting course and the Newborn Posing course, and I HIGHLY recommend them!

You can click on this image to find out more information, or to sign up.

So, what did I learn?  Well, I learned ALL about using a particular brand of studio lighting, and because of this course, I have been able to increase the times when I can actually shoot inside my dark home!  Before, I would only be able to shoot within a certain window of time, and only when it wasn't a gloomy, gray day.  Now?  I can shoot any time!

Here is a "Before I took the Studio Lighting class" photo from October 2011:

Here is an "After I took the Studio Lighting Class from Milky Way" photo from June 2013:

Now, this is not to say that you CAN'T achieve gorgeous photos from natural lighting only.  Below is an example of another photo from October 2011, using natural light only.  This happens to be one of my most favorite photos EVER, and is displayed on canvas in my living room!:

I'm just saying that my window of opportunity is much larger now, and I'm thankful for what I have learned through the Milky Way Illuminate course.  If you get the chance to take the class, I encourage you to do so.  It REALLY, REALLY helped me give my career as a professional photographer a HUGE boost!

PLUS, if you sign up for the classes through the link above, I receive a nice little commission, and I will be a happy, happy camper!

Have a blessed day!


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